NPORS – National Plant Operators Registration Schemes
Progression Construction Training can provide a full range of NPORS testing and training to suit both construction and non-construction employers

NPORS is one of the UK’s leading Accrediting bodies and is one of the UK’s leading accreditation bodies working in:-
  • Construction
  • Utilities
  • Distribution and Warehousing
  • Ports and Marine
  • Road and Rail
  • Agriculture
NPORS offers flexibility, whilst maintaining standards.  Working with industry and Accredited Training Providers, NPORS accredit other plant machinery and equipment that meet the needs of the employer. 

An NPORS Accredited Training Provider will complete a pre-assessment of the operator to determine the level of training required.  The design and delivery of the training course is created by the Accredited Training Provider to ensure they meet the requirements and skill levels of the operator.  This allows for greater flexibility to ensure training is suited to the employer and his particular business.

Practical and knowledge assessment will be undertaken once the training has been completed. Experienced operators can undertake assessment only.

Certificate or Operator Cards are issued once training and/or assessment is completed.  All cards will show an expiry date to show that skill levels are current and to highlight any refresher training required.
An NPORS Training or Assessment day is extremely cost effective and starts from as little as £110 per day per person plus card fees for a minimum of 4 candidates.